Homeschool Articles

Creating a Homeschool Portfolio when No Records Have Been Kept
Sometimes we get so lost in homeschooling that we fail to keep records. If this has happened to you, this article will help to recover lost work to create the homeschool portfolio.

 Homeschool Questions and Answers: No Time to Do Anything Besides Homeschooling
Homeschooling parents, especially those with young children may find little time to do anything else. These tips can help you make the most of your time

 Homeschool Questions and Answers: Curriculum Kids Can Do Without Help
For homeschooling mothers who must still bring in income, here are some curriculum ideas your children can do with minimal assistance.

 Homeschool Questions and Answers: No Money for Curriculum
You don't need money to homeschool. The advice given to this homeschool mother will help you find free and almost free options for homeschooling your children.

 How to Start Homeschooling in Iowa
Iowa is a state with stringent homeschooling laws and a great deal of homeschool oversight. Here are some common questions asked my new homeschoolers in Iowa.

 Attractive Storage Solutions for Homeschooling Material
Homeschoolers need a lot of storage space for school supplies. That does not mean that it needs to take over the home. It can be attractive and blend in with surrounding decor.

 How to Start Homeschooling in Illinois
Illinois has very lenient homeschool laws. Here are some common questions about homeschooling in illinois.

 How to Start Homeschooling in Idaho
Homeschooling laws in Idaho are pretty relaxed. Here are the answers for some of the more common questions about homeschooling in Idaho.

 How to Start Homeschooling in Florida
Homeschooling laws in Florida appear to be complicated with three different options and a separate set of rules for each homeschool option.

How to Start Homeschooling in Delaware
Delaware is a state with lenient homeschooling laws and several different options for homeschooling. Here is what you need to know to start homeschooling in Delaware.

 Homeschooling Your Child After School
Don't count on public schools to teach your child everything they need to learn. As a parent, it is your responsibility to fill in the blanks.

 How to Take Responsibility of Your Child's Education
Homeschooling parents understand that they are responsible for their child's education. It would serve public school parents well, to understand that they are ultimately also responsible for educating their child.

Can I Homeschool My Kids and Work?
It is possible to work and to homeschool children. It just takes planning, flexibility, and organization.
You may want to win your friend over to homeschooling, but it may be better to just set the example and let your friend warm up to homeschooling over time.
Middle school typically consists of three years, depending on your school district. These are important years, and the children transition from children to young adults. For some children, it is easier to homeschool middle school kids.
The tumultuous pressure-filled years of middle school can break the most die-hard public school parent and make them consider a homeschooling. This article will help you with the transition
You've been homeschooling your child since birth, or perhaps just since 6th grade and now you are thinking of putting them in public high school. These tips will help you with the transition
It is not a good idea to just give a homeschooler all A's. They need to earn it. But how they earn it can be confusing.
As I came to grips with the fact that my son would be homeschool senior, I had some talks with him on what he wanted to accomplish and I did a bit of crossing out of my own plans, and writing down what was important to him.
Husband is demanding a full curriculum be used to homeschool a preschool child, but it is really necessary?
A few years ago, I gave a peek into our homeschooling lives. A lot has changed since then. As in my previous article, I will detail two typical days as no two days are the same.
There are many options for planning out your school year. It is important to set up everything you want the child to learn for the school year to help them stay on track.
I recently presented tips for Mapping Out a Year's Homeschool Curriculum. Once that is done, you need to compile this information is a way that makes sense to the child so they can easily follow it.
As a homeschooling parent, I also felt that my kids would have to be twice as good to compete. Fortunately I realized before it was too late, that putting that kind of pressure on a child is completely unreasonable.
When trying to meet typical high school credit requirements, it may be difficult for a homeschooler to find time for elective credits. This article will help you find space for elective classes in your homeschooler's life.
Seth Godin isn't exactly a homeschool advocate, but he is certainly not a fan of schools either. In this interview, he poses a dilemma of homeschooling which needs addressing.
Sometimes it is necessary to hold a child back a grade level when homeschooling, but they should have some ownership over the decision.
At some point in your homeschoolers journey, you may find that it may be necessary to skip a grade due to acceleration or boredom.
For children that homeschool through high school with the intention of going to college, the SAT and ACT Exams are very important. Here are some things you can do to maximize your child's SAT and ACT scores.
People using public school at home ; programs gravitate toward them because they are free and set to standards; however, there is a great deal of busywork with little time flexibility. Â Many give up and declare homeschooling unsuccessful.
AP exams, CLEP exams, and Dantes exams are a great way to accelerate both high school and college education. AP exams are available to all high school students and it is not unusual for 12 year old homeschooler to begin taking CLEP and DANTES exams.
The standardized tests such as the PSAT, SAT, and ACT are note required for homeschoolers until their junior year of high school, and even then, only if they plan to attend college.
The question you should be asking is now which type of homeschool math curriculum is best, but which type of homeschool math curriculum is best for my child.
To ask the question, when should I start homeschooling, suggests that you are not already teaching your child. As a new parent, and future homeschoolers, there really isn't a start or stop date.
As a veteran homeschooler I am tempted to ignore the question of homeschool socialization when it comes up, but I realize it is being used to discourage new homeschoolers and sen
Homeschooled Boy Scouts have a distinct advantage of being able to earn badges and cover educational material at the same time. American Heritage Girls have a system like Boy Scouts making it a great program for homeschooled girls.
A great perk of being a Boy Scout and a Homeschooler is that you can integrate badge earning into your curriculum. In this case, I would like to discuss what boy scout badges can be used for language arts curriculum.
Homeschooling Boy Scouts can learn a lot about art while earning boy scout badges. The following groupings may work for you, and you will see how you can form an actual class from a series of boy scout badges.
The following badges can be combined or used independently for the student to earn homeschool credits in business.
Homeschool parents with children in Boy Scouts may not realize that by completing certain boy scout badges that they also fulfill health class requirements. Here are some of the badges you can use for health and safety homeschool courses.
Project based curriculum that would require homeschoolers to seek information instead of reading it from a textbook. Most information can be discovered just as easily as it can be read.
As more and more homeschoolers have become boy scouts, many have noticed that boyscout badges fit nicely into a homeschool curriculum. A homeschooler can easily count the work done as part of his homeschool curriculum.
There are several Boy Scout badges that when grouped together will give a student a good depth and breadth of a particular history discipline. Citizenship and American Culture are two classes that you can complete while earning badges.
Academically, a homeschooler who wants to get a job in a trade that does not require a college diploma should at least complete a program would help them pass a GED or get into a Trade School whether they plan or not.
The SAT and ACT exams are very important exams for homeschoolers as they help to determine college entry. Still, if a homeschool is a poor tester, there are other ways to be attractive to colleges.
How do you justify graduating a homeshooler who feels he is done, when you as the parent do not. This guide will help you determine his level of completeness.
Age is not a determining factor for when a homeschooler can attend college, in most cases. Academic ability and maturity will dictate whether your homeschooled child can start college early.
Teach a child to teach themselves, and they will excel as homeschoolers. Once a child learns to research and satisfy their curiosity on their own, there's nothing they can't do.
Unfortunately people who are against homeschooling take advantage of the fear and self doubt of new homeschoolers and purposely try to discourage them.
There was a time when there were maybe two or three choices for high school math curriculums, now there are dozens. Still, only two or three stand out as superior.

WalletPop Contributor
Brighthub Contributor

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12 grade year of homeschooling, Finishing Strong

We are almost done with my college prep series. There will still be a video on completing the transcript.    Stay tuned... meanwhile, ...